Thursday 15 November 2012

Cross Processing

Original Photograph
Cross Processing Edit
To create this edit I had to add a new adjustment layer and select curves. I then selected red and created an s shape in the colour levels, I then selected green and created and up and out colour levels and then I selected blue and created an s shape in colour levels. One I had done this I then created another adjustment layer and selected solid colour, I choose a yellow colour and made its opacity 21%. This then creates a washed out effect on the background. By doing these edits it creates a retro feel from around the 70's and 80's.

Friday 9 November 2012

Zombie Effect

Zombie Effect
To create a Zombie effect on my photograph, I used the burn tool to darken around her eyes, then I used the darken brush tool to paint out the eyes and make them red. I then uploaded a new layer and selected a textured image which I could paste over the face, once I had choosen my image I copied it and pased it over the face and used 'Ctrl T' to adjust its size, I then made the image darken so that it blended in with her face, creating a scary burn looking zombie.

Introductory Paragraphs For Alcohol Article

Introductory paragraph for alcohol article; 2nd person, shock horror, fast pace.
Did you know that 14 year olds have been reported to drink 10 units of alcohol a week!? Outrage sweeps across Britain. The tradition of only drinking at celebrations, has now banished.  Alcohol is taking hold of Britain and controlling your young people.  The department Of Health has revealed the effects of alcohol costs the economy more than £21 billion a year, how do you feel about that? How can you stop this?

This introduction is effective as it hooks the reader from the beginning with its exciting fast pace the starting sentence uses a rhetorical question which involves the reader in the article. The shock horror intro intrigues and shocks the reader making it interestin`wg and factual. By using 2nd person narration it makes the introduction very personal and direct.
Introductory paragraph for alcohol article; 3rd person, summary intro, slow pace.
In Darlington one can see alcohol abuse is a problem. Recent studies have shown that hereditary factors plays a part in developing alcohol problems, additionally other studies have shown girls are more likely to binge drink than boys. In the last week, more than 700 young people have been charged for criminal damaged due to alcohol, these statistics have now made Darlington realise of the dangerous problem arising and have introduced Switch.  Switch is a team of drug and alcohol workers which help young people aged 10-18. They can provide alcohol misuse advice and information to help young people stop and reduce the amount of alcohol they consume.

This introduction is effective as it is very factual and objective.  It remains formal throughout and is appealing to a target audience of parents and careers. Using 3rd person makes a distinct distance between the reader and writer. By using a summary intro it gives brief insight of what the magazine is to reveal and the slow pace gives a steady speed and rhythm for the target audience to follow.

Healing Tool

Original Photograph

AfterOn photoshop I used the 'healing brush tool'. I selected the healing brush tool, and held 'alt' around the area of the spot, I then let go and clicked over the spot with my mouse this then healed it. 

Vampire Photoshop

Original Photograph

Vampire Edit

Here I have created a vampire effect on photoshop. To create this effect I used the burn tool to darken around the eyes, the sponge tool to make her skin have a gray drained effect to it, and then used the magnetic lasso tool to create sterotypical vampire teeth. When using the magnetic lasso tool I had to click around the wall of the teeth, select edit, transform and warp, before I could change the shape. I then used the brush darken tool to colour her eyes in red.