Tuesday 23 April 2013

Friday 19 April 2013

Final Initial Skills Assessment

Photographic Skills
Which of the following photographic features/equipment have you used on a camera before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Manual Focus features

In my first project I used manual focus to create a more focused and quality photograph. It made the photo a lot sharper and enabled me to focus the photograph myself ensuring the main model and the background of the photograph was in focus.
Shutter Speed

I used the shutter speed feature in my project whilst taking photographs of my models jumping in the air and using a torch in the dark. By having a long shutter speed it enabled the dark photographs to capture a large amount of light which created and a picture and a short shutter speed allowed me to capture a photograph with my models in mid air or with the water they threw in the air.
Aperture Control

I used the aperture control feature when taking photographs of a bottle, I learnt that a small depth of field made the object in the picture more in focus and the background less in focus, a medium depth field allowed the object to be in focus and some of the background to be in focus, and a large depth field allowed the object and the background to be in focus.
Continuous Shoot Mode

I used the continuous shoot mode feature when taking photographs of my model blowing bubble gum, I was able to capture a three different photographs at different stages of them blowing the bubble. One photograph showing them beginning, the second photograph showing the bubble being completely blown and the last photograph showing the bubble popping.
A tripod

I used a tripod whilst also taking the photographs using the aperture control mode, I did this because it helped to focus the object within the photograph and it also helped to get a less unfocused photograph, the tripod also helped to balance the camera and eliminate it from sitting in the snow.
External flash

I used an external flash whilst taking photographs for my magazine. To do this I used a soft box during my photo shoot, which helped to make my models look flawless and they also helped to make my photographs look more professional.
Self timer facility


Light meter


Composition Grid


Photoshop Skills
Which of the following features of Photoshop have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Text control

I used text control throughout my whole project, but I mainly used it when creating my magazine front cover. I changed the measurements in between each word of my headers when changing the size of the font, which meant there wasn’t as larger gaps in between each word and the headers gave biggest impact, it also meant that I was able to include more exclusives ect onto my front page.



I used brushes when creating my album cover , I downloaded a group of different shaped brushes and it then enabled me to create different shapes with the brushes on the album cover, making it unique and different.

I used layers during photo shop mainly when creating my magazine as I had to place text on top of images, so this meant I had to create new layers so that I was able to edit different layers at different times separately without having to edit a lot of features at the same time on one layer.
Opacity control

I used opacity control on my final magazine front cover when making a circle shape break out box with an exclusive included inside, to give the magazine front cover an edgy look and give a unique element to it.
Shape creation

I used shape creation on my magazine front cover, as I created a circle which I then placed text on top of, to create an exclusive for my magazine front cover which is eye capturing.
Brightness and contrast control

I used brightness and contrast control when editing some photographs I had taken of my model, I experimented making the contrast high and low and also making the brightness high, which then made the photograph more eye capturing and the colours were much more dominant.

I used gradients when experimenting with photo shop, there is a few pictures on my blog where I have played with the gradient of colours on the photograph, making them brighter or duller.
Load selection features



I just feathering when using the vingetting tool to edit my photographs, this then subtly changed the colour of my photograph.
Colour curves adjustment

I used the colour curves adjustment tool after vingetting which gave the photograph a colour correction.
Resolution setting control

I used resolution setting control when opening up my photo shop document for the first time, I usually used the setting DPS 300, but sometimes it changed depending on whichever would suit my document and purpose the most.
Magnetic lasso, polygon lasso tool


Cropping tool

Clone tool

I used the clone tool when cloning one part of my models skin and then using it to cover spots.
Retouch tool

I used the retouch tool when using the healing tool which I used to get rid of spots on my model. There is a before and after on my blog where I healed part of the models skin by replacing the spots with the skin I had cloned from other parts of her skin and face, this then resulted in the spots not being visible on the photograph.
Other skills

Dodge Tool
Burn Tool
Sponge Tool
Placing an image behind another
Export to a BMP

I used the burn and dodge tool to lighten and darken parts of the photograph, I used the burn tool when creating one of my photographs model into a zombie, I also placed an image behind the photograph and made it transparent so that the face of my model looked rusted and zombie like. I also used the burn and dodge tool when creating a vampire, making her skin almost greyish like.

In Design Skills
Which of the following features of In Design have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Margin and column guide creation

I used margin and column guides when creating my double page spread, these helped me to keep all of my text within the same line of each other and make them straight and in line upon the page.
Inserting an image ID

I inserted an image in on my double page spreads by creating a text box and then placing the image inside.
Resizing images in ID

I resized images on my final double page spread so that some were larger and some were smaller than each other, which then gave the double page spread an edgy look. When resizing an image on indesign I had to press CTRL + T to select the image and then hold down shift whilst resizing it so that it didn’t become pixelated.
Text manipulation – resizing, rotation

I used text manipulation on my double page spread when resizing text, I made my header much larger on the page so it was the first thing the eyes were attracted to, I did this the same as how to resize an image, by selecting and then holding shift to enlarge and shrink.
Text manipulation – controlling kerning and leading


Text flow creation

I used text flow creation on my double page spread so that it enabled my article to flow from column to column across the two pages, to do this I created all of my different sized text boxes, entered my article in the first and then clicked on the red cross and dragged it across all of my different text boxes.
Using transparent imagery in ID

I used a transparent image when creating a PNG, so that I was then able to insert an image into the background without having a plain coloured background behind that, it then enabled me to have an image as the whole background of the page.
Shape/line creation In design


Exporting to PDF from In-design

I exported my final double page spread to a PDF, so that I was then able to access and view my work as an image and not a document.
Text Wrap


I used text wrap around some of my photographs on my double page spreads, on both of my double page spreads I used advance text wrap, where I made the text wrap around a certain image shape, not just a square, I also made my article wrap around my rule of three photographs I used on my final double page spread.
Other Skills

Turn text wrap off images
Export to a BMP

I learnt how to turn text wrap off some certain images, such as a text box with text within, but remain the text wrap on the circle break out box behind the text. I learnt how to export my work into a BMP so that it was then viewed as an image and not a document and also so that the examiner could view it much more easier and I could download it to moodle.

Number of new skills achieved: 28
(compare with your initial skills assessment)

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Blog Write-Up Week 3

This week I placed my image and text into my magazine front cover spread. I was enable to see how the colours red, pink, white and black worked together, but after inserting the image I was able to see that the red made the magazine look less focused and less professional. So I decided to just use the colour theme of pink, black and white. These colours gave biggest impact when working together and the bright pink highlights the most important exclusives which would attract my target audience  I learnt how to dodge the background of my photograph to make it much whiter and brighter, which then made my model stand out against the background. Once choosing all these elements, I was then able to play around with the size of fonts, making the text towards to bottom of the magazine a lot smaller than the text at the top of the cover. Also I added another shape, which stretches across the models front and against the black costume it stands out and captures interest. I also played with the size of the "exclusive interview" as I made it much larger than the quotation underneath so that it is most attractive to the eye when flicking through a magazine stall.

Here is my final double page spread. I continued to run the pink, white and black theme onto my double page spread as I believed it looked energetic and active. I used two break out boxes and a few images to break up the large amount of text within my article. I decided to include dotted dividers in between each of my columns as it gives the page and exciting and edgy feel to it. The font I used was bold and sleek, making it modern and relatable to the young target audience, the pink gives the double page spread an element of brightness, and breaks up the page from just black and white. The three images I choose to use are of my model gradually getting drunker and drunker, which is relatable for my target audience and shows her at stages. The large image on the left hand page, stands out and attracts the eye at a glimpse. I used a lot of text wrap on my double page spread so that it it made the article layout more exciting and interesting. But I do believe my article is very long and this means my magazine would aim more towards to 20 year old plus, as it is quite lengthy, but the interview is personal and home hitting. Also I dislike my header as I believe I could have used a much more personal and shocking header which would attract the eye, and the large kicker also makes the article look too lengthy. I played around with adding extras to the page to create a more interactive double page spread.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Blog Write-Up Week 2

I managed to achieve getting my photographs taken and begin to develop and put together my front page spread and double page spread this week. I began to think develop the colour scheme working together with the photographs. I developed skills such as making the cirlce on the front page opaque and editing the photograph so that it is bright and eye catching. I also used Auto Colour on photoshoot to brighten up the backgrounds of the photographs to make them much more white. I had to place my magazine name "ADDICTED2" and then rub out the letters which were in front of the model, as I wanted to create a magazine with the name placed behind her head, so to do this I had to carefully rub out each letter, this took a lot longer than expected as the name to begin with was red, and then I decided I wanted to change it to pink, but because I had began to edit it, I was unable to do that, so I had to delete this layer and start again but already making it the colour pink before starting to rub it out. When developing my front page further I learnt how to create shapes in photoshop which then broke up my text and made the made more fun and energetic.

From my experience during my photoshoot, I learned how to capture professional looking photographs and also learnt how to position my model to capture the best photographs, and the ones which will suit my magazine style the most. I was orginally going to use a black background for my photoshoot but when turning up I changed my mind and decided to have a white background as I had dressed my model in all black, and the black and white contrasted together I believed would look better with my pink colour scheme placed on top of. This then made me feel a little unorganised as I was unsure how I wanted my model to pose with the white background as I didn't wish to use a sinster feel to the magazine anymore, I wanted it to be more bright and eye caputuring so that the target audience of females would be more aimed at. So I had to change my inital thoughts and use more posed looks and have a range of photographs that had ones of her looking drunk and ones of her looking like she is having fun, rather than having loads with her looking drunk.

I took a range of photographs with my model in different poses. Some I took of her full lenth and stood up and I also took photographs of her sat leaning back looking drunk as well as some of her sat on a stool learning backwards, I decided to take a range of photographs of my model looking drunk and of her looking like she is having fun, so that in my three little images I am going to use inside my magazine I can show the contrast of her mood and how she looks whilst getting drunker. I choose a close up photograph of my model for my front page spread, as it looked much more professional and suited my magazine style, the text nicely sits around her body and compliments the dark tones of her costume. I was happy with my photographs, but I do believe I could have a got a better range of different poses so that I could have experimented with the shape of her body upon my double page spread. I made my model have her hands on her hips for my front page photograph as it makes the photograph more exciting and energetic.
My peers liked the photographs I have taken and also the colour scheme I decided to finally use. I am happy with my sell lines and how they are positioned upon the front page. I am also happy with the colour scheme I decided to use as I orginally wanted to include red, but the red stood out and looked odd upon the page once I had added the bright photograph. My photoshoot took less time than I expected so I could have spent more time with my photographs and captured more posed and natural photographs, by having more natural photographs it may have then related better to my target audience than having very posed photographs. I also happy with the three different fonts I decided to use, but the "drunken antics" sell line I believe looks a bit to similar next the the "feel fresh" so I plan to find another font to use for this sell line to then contrast against the text around it.

I also began to work on my double page spread this week as I had now taken my photographs. I wasn't happy with the headliner I had planned to use in my flat plan, so I have changed that to something a bit more edgy and involving with the target audience. I decided to have my pink, black and white theme run through onto my double page spread. I used a range of different photographs but still need to add a tall one for my third column on my left hand side of the page.

Monday 11 March 2013

Blog Write-Up Week 1

Last week I began to produce and put together my front cover, but unfortunately when creating I started to realise that I didn't have enough sell lines to fill my magazine front cover and make it look most effective, so I had to include some different and more headlines to fill the space and give it biggest impact, attracting and intriguing my target audience. I began to look at the colours I had chosen to use in my flat plan and decide whether they worked together on the page, but I am unable to see whether they are most effective as I haven't had my photoshoot yet, so I am going to wait until I have gotten my photographs before deciding on a definite colour scheme. I mainly used photoshop last week to design my front page and developed the skills of importating different fonts, and being able to create shapes with the shape tool. I also developed my skills of postioning text and making each word have a small margin gap. When re looking at my article, the interview didn't flow as well as I had wished, also some of the statistics needed to be quoted where I got them from (my own questionnaire). In my second draft I need to concentrate on making sure it reads naturally whilst also having a quick pace which will appeal to my target audience. Also in my second draft I am going to ensure that I state where I got my stastics from "A recent survey has shown that 60% of people admitted to having unprotected sex whilst being under the influence of alcohol!".

My peers liked the text I had decided to use for my front page and also the colour scheme of pink and white. They also liked the DIY hangover cures box which they said gave the front page an exciting edge. I am not very happy with my sell lines on my front cover as I don't believe they are as powerful as they could be, I also need to think of two more which I could include in the space I have left on the left hand side of the magazine, I am going to ensure these two sell lines are going to be very strong and powerful which will improve my front page. I don't have my photoshoot until this week, I believe this has caused a problem for me as I am unable to see how the black background will look agaisnt the pink and white text, also it has stopped me from seeing which colours I want to definetly use and where the text will be positioned on the page. My article redraft has took a lot longer than I expected as I am a little unsure as to how to improve it, but I know that it doesnt flow or read naturally, so I need to have another re think about the information I am including and re write a second draft.

The activities which were easier where finding the text I wanted to use, because taking inspiration from cosmopolitan helped me to narrow down in my head and design ideas into the kind of font I wish to use, this then was made easier for me and it also made it quicker when trying to find one which I liked and believed would suit my magazine. I should have organised my photoshoot a lot earlier, but because I haven't I am going to have to design the front page and double page spread before hand and then place my images in so that all I have left to do is play around so the pages look most effective. I believe that I do have enough time left to finish my final product as long as I get a second re draft done of my article this week and also have a think about the other sell lines I could use inside my double page spread.