Thursday 18 October 2012

Photoshop Photographs

Original Photograph
Auto Colour Photograph
On this photograph I used the tool auto colour, to do this I used the short-cut ( Shift+Ctrl+B).By doing this the model is more pronounced against the background and it is much brighter than the original.
Desaturated And Contrast Photograph
On this photograph I used the desaturation tool and then added the auto contrast tool. To add the desaturation I used the short-cut (Shift+Ctrl+U), this then made my photograph black and white, to add the auto contrast I used the short-cut (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L) then then made the model much darker against the background.
Vingetting And Unsharpen Photograph
On this photograph I used the vingetting tool and then unsharpen tool. By doing this it drags attention to the centre of the photograph (model) and makes the eyes much sharper, which is the first main feature people look at when picking up a magazine, so by making them sharper it attracts attention.
Brightness And Contrast Photograph
On this photograph I used the brightness and contrast tool. To do this I had to select Image-Adjustments-Brightness/Contrast. This then makes the photograph much brighter and sharper. I lightened the brightness of the photograph so that it was more eye catching.

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